Monday, January 03, 2011


"Where God tears great gaps we should not try to fill them with human words. They should remain open."
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer

A group of my friends creates CDs of our year. At the end of each year, we come together with our playlists and go one song at a time around the circle until we've gone through them all. We explain events that caused the songs to be included. Some are happy and uplifting, and others are sad.

This line made me think of our circle last week. We told sad, hard stories about frustrations and struggles. Some of which we've overcome and others that are still weights. We'd listen and then we'd move on. I realized that moving on did not discount the events at all, but let them stand as they were. I know that day is not the end of conversations, but the beginning of them. I think that we've learned somehow that some struggles and wounds do not have words that cover them and bind them up. In fact, sometimes the attempted words only seem to cut deeper.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

This is so true. I've noticed that sometimes the songs that are most painful are expressed with the fewest words. Every year there are some songs that seem to bring us to tears, even if it is something that we've moved past in the present. And there truly are no words... other than those we borrow from the artists included on the soundtrack.