Sunday, January 30, 2011


In my life I"ve seen a thousand dreams
Through the threshers all torn to pieces
- Ohio - Over the Rhine

While at work, I've been listening to grooveshark (a free online program that lets you create your own musical playlists. When I heard this lyric the other day it reminded me of my re-imagined futures and how sometimes the dreams are hard to give up. To see them torn on the floor tugs at the heart. I thought of my dreams in middle school and high school and even college that are so far from where I am now. Then, when they fell apart, it might have hurt, but now, I can only be thankful that none of them materialized. You would think that based on this kind of track record, I'd have more trust and joy when things start crumbling or shifting. Some days I do better than others.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I wish that I was as thankful as you for the dreams that haven't materialized. I still mourn for all of those lost possibilities. But then again, maybe it's because I'm still chasing many of the same dreams I've had all along.